Let’s Just Keep This Between Us... Understanding and Preserving the Attorney-Client Privilege

Location: Virtual Seminar

In today’s litigious society, it’s more important than ever to make sure classified information stays secure. At least you can relax knowing that anything you discuss directly with your attorney, and any communications that include your attorney, are automatically protected under the attorney-client privilege, right?
Many professionals go through their entire careers without a thorough understanding of the attorney-client privilege. However, just hoping that you never need to know what constitutes privileged information and when it applies is probably not your best legal strategy.
Join ECJ for a virtual employment law seminar that will explain:

  • What is attorney-client privilege?
  • Why do we have it?
  • When does the privilege apply?
  • When is that privilege broken?
  • How do you structure an attorney-client privileged communication to help protect information from being introduced as evidence in litigation?

Who Should Attend
Officers, directors, managers, supervisors, human resources, owners, in-house counsel and anyone who might be communicating with in-house or outside counsel!

Thursday, September 23, 2021
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM 

Presented by:
Kelly O. Scott, Esq.
Partner and Chair of ECJ's Employment Law Department

Register Here

A Zoom link will be provided with completed registration.



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