Partner Kelly Scott to Present ECJ Employment Law Seminar on Assembly Bill 5
Since Assembly Bill 5 went into effect on January 1, 2020, California employers have been scrambling to cope with a complex law that has radically changed the landscape for California business. Employers must determine if they have properly categorized independent contractors or if such persons are, in fact, employees. Further, employers also need to determine what they need to do to minimize the threat of liability from plaintiff’s lawyers, as well as from the State of California.
ECJ's upcoming employment law seminar will clarify and simplify this new law and its impact on your business. We will discuss what modifications have been made to the “ABC” test, how these changes will alter the employment classification landscape and, most importantly, detail steps you should be taking to help protect your company from the resulting legal risks and uncertainty.
AB 5: Implications, Exemptions and What this Actually Means for Your Business
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Presented by: Kelly Scott, Esq.
Partner and Chair of the Employment Law Department
Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP
Location: Ervin Cohen & Jessup LLP
Registration: 9:00 am
Seminar: 9:30-11:00 am
Complimentary Breakfast & Parking Validation Provided