New Outdoor Dining Permits Available for LA County Restaurants
Posted in Legal Bites
New Outdoor Dining Permits Available for LA County Restaurants

The Los Angeles County Department of Public Works recently released information about its COVID-19 Temporary Outdoor Dining Program. The program is designed for restaurants in unincorporated Los Angeles County that are interested in temporarily expanding dining seating into private walkway and parking lots. More than 2,653.5 square miles or 65 percent of Los Angeles County is unincorporated.

The Department provides streamlined applications for restaurants interested in offering dining services on a public sidewalk, in the on-street parking area, in a public alley, or on a private parking lot or walkway.  Additionally, restaurants may apply for a temporary food pickup zone designation immediately outside the restaurant.

All permits will expire on September 30, 2020, unless they are extended by the county based on County Health Officer Orders.

Restaurants in the City of Los Angeles must go through the City’s Al Fresco dining program, which was launched in June 2020.

  • Pooja S. Nair

    Pooja S. Nair is business litigator with a proven track record of delivering creative, effective, and long-term solutions to complex legal challenges faced by middle-market companies. Known for her ability to handle high-stakes ...


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