Pooja Nair Featured in L.A. Times Food & Beverage Industry Roundtable

Los Angeles Times B2B Publishing 

Pooja S. Nair, Chair of ECJ’s Food, Beverage, and Hospitality Department, is featured as an industry leader in the 2024 Los Angeles Times Food & Beverage Industry roundtable. The article delves into the forefront of emerging trends within the dynamic food and beverage landscape, encompassing financial, legislative, employment, and supply chain.

Pooja navigates the intricacies of the evolving industry, offering invaluable insights into considerations for 2024. She emphasizes the importance for companies to recognize the potential vulnerability of their products. "Companies should be aware that all aspects of a product's label, packaging, advertising, website and social media campaigns could be subject to false advertising claims."

Furthermore, Pooja discusses opportunities awaiting savvy players in the food and beverage arena. By adapting to shifting consumer preferences and venturing into new product lines, brands can firmly establish their presence and thrive.

Click here to read the full L.A. Times roundtable discussion, including more of Pooja's insights.



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